Sunday, October 17, 2010

why i am athiest

Reasons that i choose to be atheist:

1. As stated before i believe nothing of this universe, or henceforth multi-verse is superior or inferior to me.

2. There is to much suffering going on in this world for there to be a god who supposedly cares for the things he created.

These aren't in any particular order.

3. There are fanatics in every religion. so we can't have peace as long as a people fights another people based on whether there god is superior to the other people's god. This forces me to not want to pick a side.

It is true that i am merely a fanatically atheist if you can be fanatical about believing in nothing.

4. As my girlfriend would say there are two things. God and religion, they are not one thing, many misconstrued the two as being one thing. This is why i am forced to state both that i can not believe in a superior being or inferior being and number 3.

5. I have a Jewish outlook on things, John Stewart's example on a Jewish outlook is pessimism. I will give you an example of my over-analyzing mind that simple says that there is no god; lets take a collection of human tragedies lets say the holocaust, inquisition, crusades, and gladiator fights where Christians of the cult of Christianity were thrown into the coliseum's pit as lion food; and then lets ask where was god? All the people who died during these battles claimed to be the chosen ones. Why didn't god protect his so-called chosen ones? it was written in the Torah that the Hebrews alone were the chosen ones. Some Christian fanatics say they are the chosen ones and some Muslim fanatics say they are the chosen ones. if you use Occam's razor 3/2-1 is the only reasonable answer and since they are all integer's that means the answer can only be an integer, so the answer is 0. thus I have proven that there is no god because no one is special; we are all equal. I have proven through math that we are all equal, thus my statement of equality holds.

6. Christian's use a circular fallacy in their explanation to me when i pose the question: "convince me, why must god exist?" That fallacy is he/she must exist because it says so in this book written by our god through some humans. PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU TALK because you can not prove that god exists through stating it is in this book it is written by god.....hold it you just tried defining a word by saying that word again. How do you know your god wrote this book. it seems to be a collection of human opinions mostly male opinions "women must remain quiet at all times except when men are speaking to them"-paraphrased from your bible. why don't you follow everything the bible states as fact? Because you are human and human's tend to disregard the meaning of things and replace it with there own sudo-truth. if you don't know what sudo means GO LOOK IT UP ON GOOGLE. i am really tired of discussing this with fanatical Christians that i yearn for the sweet oblivion, I hear it tastes like pleasure....jk peace out!:P

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

because i defined one i should define the other side....

So here it is. My definition of inferiority it is a simple definition some one who is not equal to me who i believe is lower than me. since nothing is inferior to me. inferiority doesn't exist in my definition of that word.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It has been drawn to my attention....

that I need to define superiority. I define superior as a god like being. There isn't any god like beings in this universe. True there might be advanced beings that might seem god like but are they really? the answer of course is no. god like beings are defined as beings of ultimate power who can mess with us lower beings, and they be immortal. Does that mean i don't believe in ascended beings (ascended to a higher plane of existance, a purely energy being) no because energy beings can still die. All living beings including this universe has an end. God like beings are beings with omnipotent power that never age and live outside of time-space.

This notion that god like beings has to be immortal also rules out God as being a god like being, since as stated previously it appears that Jehovah, Yahweh, and Ala has aged in his wisdom; to age is to not be god like.

even though i use the term god-like here it is only for lack of a better one word term. I could use superior but that would defeat the purpose of this definition.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

the universe's mind

I believe the universe is a living thing, but we shouldn't treat it with kid gloves just because it is living. For all our sentience, we know little because we still don't understand that our minds connect to the universe's mind either through a mass of monads or through a perfect chemical, which as the right chemical structure or sequence to connect to the universe's mind. That is how i explain ghosts and past life experiences.

Ghost's because, think about it, the person's mind (the universe's mind) that won't let go of it's experiences and that is the only reason minds could exist after death. When the universe replays the events in it's mind, the person replays the events as well even if he or she is dead.

Past life experiences, Lets think about this one, a person is born so it occupies some space in the universe's mind. Let's say it overlaps a space occupied by some dead peoples. So they see the dead peoples life experiences. and thus I have explained it. it is sorta like a buffer bleed for a computer system.

This explaines psychics too.

meaning of life

I believe the meaning of existence not just life itself is recursive with in the question itself.

Decartes said to think is to be. You must think of your particular meaning of existence and follow it.

Everything has a meaning of existence some less sentient beings like dogs and cats who warn their owners of a potential fire or of a potential disaster know their meanings in the purest sense. sentience clogs meaning with doubt on one side and megalomania on the other side. When you are sentient you have chooses, and you can choose to be a hero or a villain. freedom of will came with sentience because dogs and cats don't have the sentience to ignore an on coming disaster. Their flee instinct kicks in and the panic.

heaven and hell

They sound like mystical places out of a fairy tale that is exactly how i classify them. Humans can't survive in a purely placid place, they would become mere husks. We need chaos to evolve, and hell, well their is a debate even between Christians, on one side is the Christians who believe that hell is a just going through the rest of eternity with out knowing the existence of god i.e. spending eternity in the absence of god. On the second side is the Christians that believe in fire, brimstone and torture. Both sound absolutely splendid. On the former i can be for eternity without knowing that god exists like that is a punishment for an atheist. The latter well in the words of johnny cash, rest his essence, you only know you are alive through pain and a million years of being tortured i would believe i would grow numb to the torture or i would come to enjoy it.

god and such

It is well known that i am atheist but i can know where the ones who believe in god are coming from being in the bible belt helps a lot.

Most of the Christians try to argue with me by stating that "What happened to cause the creation of this universe if god doesn't exist?" I say "We don't know that yet! Science is still trying to figure that out, but let me post a question to you where did your god come from?" "He was here," they usually answer. Well then the universe was here but in a dormant phase. a catalyst occurred some scientist hypothesis that another universe popped like a balloon, which sent a shock wave through the multi-verse's skin and that blew up our universe (like a balloon). Also if you state god is the universe then we are all god and to worship god is to worship ourselves and that is pompous selfish and self-adsorbed.

The bible is very peculiar in that in the old testament god acts like a child who just had their toys taken away punishing those who didn't worship him is child-like. The new testament god seems to have risen to adult hood, since in the new testament god realizes that the people who don't believe in him will be spending an eternity in hell and that is punishment enough, which if god was a child 5000 years ago and an adult 2000 years ago that means he will die by the 6000 century.

aliens and a comment

In a universe with billion to the billionth power of stars. Of course i believe in aliens. the aliens might be an advanced species but they are not superior to nor inferior to any creature (planet, animal, or nonliving matter) of this planet they aliens are just more evolved then the creatures of this planet.

"Wouldn't this also mean you don't believe in aliens...assuming that the aliens would be an advanced species? If I may quote you "...i can not fathom as thing of this universe to be superior or inferior to me." If God exists it could be argued that God would not be of this universe. Another thing I would have to draw from your writing is that you could not kill an insect or pest because that would be a thing of this universe and therefore would be equal to you. It seems that there are things that are superior and inferior to others. We make laws based around the premise that all (wo)men are equal. But isn't that out of necessity? None of us are perfect and as enlightened people we would understand this. We also understand that our judgment is not always correct. So we have to have a system that treats all equally. But in nature superior and inferior exists in the form the for food chain. The lion eats the gazelle because the lion is superior to the gazelle. But this does not mean we should make laws to prop up a false system of superiority and inferiority. (I bring up the law because many people cannot separate the idea of right and wrong from legislation) But if you were a perfect being with a perfect sense of justice and you looked down at us you would see who was superior and inferior. The problem is that we do not have a perfect sense of judgment. Isn't that what the study of ethics is all about? Trying to align your morals with those that are perfect? But even that involves accepting that there is something superior. So back to the original seems obvious that superior and inferior exists. If it doesn't and all things are equal, it certainly seems to put people in a terrible conundrum when it comes to how they treat animals and insects. It would seem the only lifestyle to measure up to your original definition is that of an ascetic...and maybe not even then."-gilbert

You speak of superiority and inferiority in the basis of food chain and i speak of it based on the atomic structure of things. we are all based on atoms so we are all equivalent as such. How could "we as inferior beings," as you stated, "to god" ever interpret the meaning of god's "word." i happen to think like an ascetic. it is true that animals eat other animals if that is your bases for superiority and inferiority then it is not a solid bases b/c animals do evolve. 2.5 million years ago by your definition we were inferior to many predators of this planet. Now we are superior to all.

We don't make laws that state all (wo)men are equal, only america has done this and then they don't follow their own rules. Going back 200 years, were all human beings treated equally was a black man equal to a white man back 200 years ago. was an asian man in California treated the same as a white man back 100 years ago. If you want to say that America does follow their all (wo)men are created equal phrase in their constitution then why can't gays marry in the majority of states. i am not stating an argument for or against their marriage. Gays are people to and last time I checked people were both men and women and that falls under the phrase all (wo)men were created equal (and there forth should be treated equally.)

My basis of self worth is not based on the acquisition of material goods, it is based on my definition of equality, since i am not higher or lower than anything else in this universe. I do not perceive arrogance or generate ignorance of the truth of this universe. I do not have an ego and i am not pompous when it comes to dealing with other people or things b/c i do not perceive myself as a superior to anyone or anything. I only pass judgement on those who immediately pass judgement on me.

My basis of equality is only based within the confines of this universe because it is the only thing that I truly do know directly being that i am part of this universe I can not fathom anything outside of this universe.

Friday, September 10, 2010


the prof wants links and i am not finding anywhere to put links. so here i go lifehacker slashdot comic

Thursday, September 9, 2010


I happen to be a 25 year old atheist.

First things first my definition of equality; I don't see anything as superior to anything else or inferior to anything else thus my definition is nothing is superior or inferior to anything else.

with that definition i can not even imagine a god, let alone know that one exists. so that is why i am atheist because to perceive a god is to make yourself inferior to that god, since you start believing that the god is almighty and all knowing thus you perceive that god to be superior and with my definition of equality i can not fathom a thing of this universe to be superior or inferior to me.

One friend argued that it is the arrangement of atoms that makes us who we are, that is true, but at the basically level we are all the same. I will get into that later. For know this completes blog number two.

this is for class!

i have to write a blog for my 312 class. so i think i will do it on the metaphysics of self and religion.