that I need to define superiority. I define superior as a god like being. There isn't any god like beings in this universe. True there might be advanced beings that might seem god like but are they really? the answer of course is no. god like beings are defined as beings of ultimate power who can mess with us lower beings, and they be immortal. Does that mean i don't believe in ascended beings (ascended to a higher plane of existance, a purely energy being) no because energy beings can still die. All living beings including this universe has an end. God like beings are beings with omnipotent power that never age and live outside of time-space.
This notion that god like beings has to be immortal also rules out God as being a god like being, since as stated previously it appears that Jehovah, Yahweh, and Ala has aged in his wisdom; to age is to not be god like.
even though i use the term god-like here it is only for lack of a better one word term. I could use superior but that would defeat the purpose of this definition.